Covid19 Response

Covid19 Response

This is the collection of information regarding the Rowany baronial response to Covid19. It is a work in progress and will be updated as and when circumstances change. The information here is important so please take the time to read through this page

Baronial policy on Covid must be based on the legal State and Federal policies. The NSW recovery policy on Covid can be found here:

The primary policy we will be using is the SCA Ltd Covid Response Plan: SCA Covid Plan 2022

This is supported by the Kingdom policies and documentation. There are several components to this. The Kingdom Covid Response website can be found here: The Restrictions Register available on this page shows the current restrictions in place for each State. Decisions whether to allow any type of in person gathering is based on this information.

There are new procedures in place for in person events.

  • If you are unwell or have experienced Covid like symptoms in the last 72 hours please don’t attend events in person.
  • You will need to pre-book for all activities, indoor or outdoor.
  • Cash payments will no longer be possible. Payment will need to be made by direct transfer or using Square.
  • The wearing of Covid appropriate masks is encouraged, and attendees must not vilify any person for wearing these.
  • Venues will have a set maximum attendance.
  • For martial activities there are a few extra things as well.
    • Please do not share equipment such as swords unless they have been appropriately cleaned between people.
    • Helms / masks / protective gear should not be shared during a training session.

Please be courteous and kind to each other during these strange days.