About our Baroness and Baron
The Baronesses and Barons (collectively – Baronage) represent the Crown within the Barony, and represent the Barony in other parts of the Kingdom and Known World. They may issue awards according to Baronial and Kingdom custom, hold court, and attend to other matters in their Baronies as directed by the Crown.
Our Baroness and Baron are often the most recognisable members of the Barony. In many ways they set the tone for the Barony, acting as leaders for its activities and overall direction. A Baronage will often hold the position for upwards of 3 years, but as you can see in the list below our previous Baronesses and Barons have held the position for 5 or 10 years in some cases.
When talking to, or about, the Baroness or Baron you should refer to them as ‘Your Excellency’, ‘His Excellency’, ‘Her Excellency’ or ‘Their Excellencies’.
The activity you are most likely to see them perform is giving out the Baronial Awards during a court. If you think someone in the Barony is deserving of an award, then you can recommend them for an award directly to Their Excellencies.

Baronesses and Barons of Rowany, Past and Present
- Rowan Perigrynne from 1 Oct 1981 – 7 Dec 1991
- Lindoret of Bryn Myrddin and Torold of Hawkhurst from 7 Dec 1991 – 28 Sep 1996
- Alarice Beatrix von Thal and Richard de la Croix from 28 Sep 1996 – 25 Nov 2000
- Keridwen the Mouse and Corin Anderson from 25 Nov 2000 – 11 Dec 2004
- Helene du Puy and Hrothgar aet Gytinbroce from 11 Dec 2004 – 16 Jun 2007
- AElfled aet Otreburne and Gui von Oberhausen from 16 Jun 2007 – 16 Jul 2011
- Annora Martin and Loyola Juan Sanchez Mendoza from 16 Jul 2011 – 17 May 2014
- Ameline de Colwell and Miles de Colwell from 17 May 2014 – 8 Dec 2018
- Cairistiona nic Bheathain and Stigh Joghensson from 8 Dec 2018 – Oct 2022
- Juliana de Northwood and Táriq ibn Jelal ibn Ziyadatallah al-Naysábúrí (ibn Jelal) – Oct 2022 – Present