The Barony of Rowany administratively covers the Sydney Metropolitan area as well as surrounding sections of New South Wales, Australia. Listed below are the various SCA groups in NSW and the ACT with a link to their specific website. Members of these groups often visit Rowany events, and members of Rowany often travel to their events as well.
- The Kingdom of Lochac covers Australia and New Zealand. The Barony of Rowany is part of Lochac.
- The Canton of Stowe-on-the-Wowld covers Western Sydney and is part of Rowany.
- The Canton of Okewaite covers Goulburn NSW and the Southern Highlands of NSW, and is part of Rowany.
- The College of St Ursula covers the University of Sydney, and is part of Rowany.
- The College of St Augustine covers the University of New South Wales, and is part of Rowany. This College is currently dormant, with no active website.
- The Barony of Mordenvale covers Newcastle NSW and the surrounding area.
- The Barony of Politarchopolis covers the Australian Capital Territory.
- The Shire of Adora covers the Illawarra and South Coast of NSW.
- The Shire of Dismal Fogs covers the Blue Mountains area of NSW.
Finding Your Closest SCA Group
If you’re looking for your closest SCA group and the list above doesn’t cover your region, then the links below may help you in your search.
Find Your Group – A great place to start when trying to find the group closest to you, anywhere in the world.
SCA Geography – A worldwide list of SCA Kingdoms, along with links and maps where available.
Map of the Knowne World – An interactive map made independently by a member showing the SCA kingdoms
Kingdom of Lochac Group Guide – Find your closest group in Australia.
Map of Lochac – A visual representation of the different groups of the Kingdom of Lochac.