Barony of Rowany

Barony of Rowany

The SCA in Sydney, Australia
Regular Events
Here you can find details of the Regular Events in and around the Barony of Rowany. If you are looking for upcoming one-off events instead, these are posted on our our Calendar page or our...
Rowany Calendar
Current Rowany Calendar The Rowany Calendar has details for events in and around the Sydney region. To see the full Rowany and Surrounds calendar click this link to open it in a new window. Note:...
The Barony would not exist without its people. Click through to meet Their Excellences, as well as the Officers who do all the work: The Baroness and Baron of Rowany Rowany Officers Baronial Awards Recommending...
Welcome to Rowany If you are new to the SCA, welcome! The Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) is a warm and welcoming place, but as it has been around a while and has so much to offer,...

Recent Posts

The Rowany Awards Database is live!
Through the work of so many hands across the Kingdom our Awards Database is now live! This database will allow you to find out what...
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Beautiful Banners: The Rowany Standard Standards Project
Inspired by the great Standard Standards projects undertaken by the baronies of Saint-Florian-de-la-rivière and Politarchopolis, it is time for Rowany and Stowe to have their...
Read More "Beautiful Banners: The Rowany Standard Standards Project"
Rowany’s Lochac Hero Cloak 2018
Rowany will be creating the Lochac Hero Cloak to be presented at Rowany Festival 2018. We are in the planning stages. We will be seeking...
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Welcome to Rowany

Welcome to Rowany

Rowany is a group of people involved in researching and recreating pre-17th Century history worldwide. We are interested in historical martial arts, period and traditional crafts (including experimental archaeology – working out how something worked by making it), researching history, or simply socialising in costume at themed events.

We are part of an international organisation called the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA).

Rowany, or ‘The Barony of Rowany’, is located in the Sydney Metropolitan region, covering some further sections of New South Wales, Australia. 

Want to do things with us? Anyone, no matter what age or level of interest, is welcome to come along to our events and gatherings to find out what we are about. Scroll down for our calendar, or you can find us on Facebook: Barony of Rowany

– We have a regular, casual practice (non-costumed) every Monday night, with archery, and crafting days every month. Come along and we’ll set you up, more details here: Regular Events
– Want to talk to someone just in general about what we do? Email Colin at Our hospitaller is our contact for newcomers, and is happy to answer your questions!

Seems like fun, but you’re not located nearby? Other Australian/NZ groups are listed here:
the whole world is here: